Several different credit cards let cardholders pay off a portion or some of their outstanding balance through an instalment plan. These payment options break down your balance into monthly instalments spread over a fixed time or predetermined rate. For example, if you had a $1,000 balance and set up an instalment plan over ten months, you’d pay $100 per month instead of paying it all off at once. This is a basic calculation used as an example only, it does not include the addition of interest to the amount borrowed.
6 tips to save on your mortgage interest
Taking out a mortgage is the largest financial commitment that most Australians will make in their lifetime. If you invest in a property you could be making repayments for the next 30 years. This article will focus on a number of tips that can help you save interest on your mortgage and pay off the debt on your home at a faster rate.
1. Pay large sums into your loan
Rather than spending any large lump sums you receive, pay them straight into your loan. Think of larger windfalls as an excellent opportunity to reduce the overall interest on your loan and therefore the overall cost of your mortgage. Unexpected windfalls can include:
What to look for when deciding on a super fund
Apart from buying a house, superannuation is likely to be one of the biggest investments that you will make in your lifetime. Understanding your options and making the right decision can make the difference between scraping by or having that well-deserved, worry-free retirement.
In 2005, new legislation was introduced that put the power of super firmly in the consumer’s hands and gave many Australians like yourself the power to choose which fund your contributions would be made into.
Tips on How to Save Money in Sydney
Breathtaking landscapes and seascapes, vibrant urban life, laidback lifestyle—these are what pull people to Sydney. However, Sydney is not just the biggest city in the country, it is also the priciest. In fact, the UBS ranks Sydney as among the ten most expensive cities to live in. Basic expenses alone already cost around $2,500 for a family with one to two children. Ten years ago, a 2010 survey by the Sydney Business Chamber indicated that half of the survey respondents believe they need $100,000 or more per year to live comfortably.
How to Be Frugal in Australia
Living a frugal lifestyle in the era of social media, where everyone flaunts what they have and where they’ve travelled to, can be quite challenging—but there’s nothing great about living paycheque to paycheque either.
If you aren’t conscious about your spending, you might end up accumulating credit card debt. It will only eat away at your limited earnings as well as the money you’ve set aside for emergencies. As a result, it can easily compromise your financial future.
How to Choose an Air Purifier for Bushfire Smoke
Last updated on 11 January 2021 with new product info.
There are the dismal statistics we read about the direct effects of bushfires that burn for months in different parts of Australia. Australia is often severely affected by bushfire smoke that’s blanketing the country. There have been instances of asthma, breathing difficulties and other respiratory ailments in Sydney and other cities. People have been advised to stay indoors to avoid exposure to bushfire smoke. But while commercial buildings are equipped with HVAC systems that have filters, homes aren’t always equipped with such systems that protect family health. This is why home purifiers have been in high demand for most people lately.
The top traits to avoid in a mortgage broker
All Mortgage Brokers are not born equal. Like any service business, the quality of brokers’ offerings can vary from company to company and from broker to broker. This article will explore the qualities that you should avoid in a potential mortgage broker. Use this information to find a broker that will take the time to understand your situation and secure a mortgage product that’s right for you.
How to choose the best mask for bushfire smoke
Post updated on 11 January 2021 with new product info.
Smoke mask is not a topic I would normally write about but given the circumstances (large bushfires in Australia), I think it’s important that we talk about the risks and options we have to protect ourselves and our family (including our pets). Scroll down if you are interested in the smoke masks only. I also found a smoke mask for dogs.
Protect Your Family from Bushfire Smoke
It was nearly the holiday season and the end of 2019 was just around the corner. But with dozens of bushfires raging all across the country, Australia was in a state of crisis. South Australia shut down more than a hundred schools due to a catastrophic fire warning and even those further away from the actual flames were suffering from the effects of wildfire smoke.
A Timeless Investment
A good timepiece is always a worthwhile investment. It’s a functional accessory that can last for more than one lifetime. Plus, there are so many stunning models that won’t break the bank. These days, watchmaking has progressed to a point that even affordable watches are quite good and built to last. At the end of the day, you need to ask yourself: Do you want a watch that is primarily a luxury item or simply a reliable accessory for keeping the time?
Uncertainty Around AUD & What It Means For Aussie Travellers
With the recent global uncertainty surrounding Brexit & the European Union, the Australian Dollar has continued to delve into some less than predictable waters. Coupled with Donald Trump’s continued trade war with China, there are a number of global external factors having a negative impact on our Aussie Dollar.
Meanwhile with household debt increasing and house prices appearing to start to take a slump. Over the past few months, the Australian Dollar has started to decline against some of the more popular international currencies. In this article, we review what impact this is having on Australians planning on heading overseas. After all, there is nothing worse than feeling short-changed when you go and convert your AUD for foreign currency and feel like you can’t afford to go on holiday at all.
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