Surviving on a low income isn’t easy in times when the cost of everything is rising faster than the average wage. Financial obligations can be frustrating and fraught with uncertainty even with proper money management, while saving money can seem almost impossible during lean times. People who want to budget and save money on a low income do have options, but creative thinking is required and diligence is essential.
Why is Savings Considered a Financial Investment
There are features unique to both financial saving and investing, and understanding their different attributes is important. Saving preserves and protects money, while also accruing compound interest, whereas investing allows money to grow within share market fluctuations. Both saving and investing are used as short and long-term strategies for financial gain.
How to Live on Less Money in Australia
As the cost of living rises, more Australians are teetering close to the financial abyss. Our consumer driven society has generated tremendous financial rewards for a minority of the population at the expense of everyone else, and the gap between rich and poor is wider than ever. We can’t all be rich, but nobody enjoys being poor, and while opting out of capitalist society is a dream worth considering, it isn’t possible for people with ongoing expenses, obligations, or a family to feed.
How to Live Within your Means Whilst still Enjoying a Takeaway
“Brick Oven Special Pizza” (CC BY-SA 2.0) by Mike Saechang
Enjoying a delicious freshly-cooked takeaway meal at home is one of life’s simple pleasures. It’s a moment in time when you can relax and unwind with family or friends and sample some of your favourite foods without even having to lift a finger in the kitchen yourself. Unfortunately, for people who need to tighten their financial belts to save money for a house deposit or to pay off that loan, takeaways tend to be one of the first things binned from the luxuries list. That’s without even attempting to find other ways of cutting back and keeping enough cash for a couple of takeaway treats each month.
Tips on How to Save Money in Sydney
Breathtaking landscapes and seascapes, vibrant urban life, laidback lifestyle—these are what pull people to Sydney. However, Sydney is not just the biggest city in the country, it is also the priciest. In fact, the UBS ranks Sydney as among the ten most expensive cities to live in. Basic expenses alone already cost around $2,500 for a family with one to two children. Ten years ago, a 2010 survey by the Sydney Business Chamber indicated that half of the survey respondents believe they need $100,000 or more per year to live comfortably.
A Timeless Investment
A good timepiece is always a worthwhile investment. It’s a functional accessory that can last for more than one lifetime. Plus, there are so many stunning models that won’t break the bank. These days, watchmaking has progressed to a point that even affordable watches are quite good and built to last. At the end of the day, you need to ask yourself: Do you want a watch that is primarily a luxury item or simply a reliable accessory for keeping the time?
How Much Does Landscaping and Gardening Cost?
Tasteful landscaping and gardening are very effective in increasing the sale value of homes and property. According to a recent article on OpenAgent, an investment in colourful plants, as well as practical garden spaces, can add at least $15,000 to the value of a home. Real estate agents have long extolled the value of simple flowering plants, which quickly enhance a property’s sale value.
Professional landscaping, such as decks, garden spaces, patios, and sitting areas, with fireplaces and pools, exemplify, to potential buyers, a space ready for restful family activities. Real estate agents tell us that professional landscaping can add 6 to 7 per cent to the value of a home, whereas, if you neglect your garden, it can lower the value of your home from between 5 and 15 per cent.
Comfort Spending: How to beat the $1400 a year habit
By Rhianna Dews, Money Writer at Mozo
Despite all the benefits that come with the digital world we live in today, its fast pace has ultimately led to a rapid increase in stress and anxiety, with Beyond Blue data revealing that 1 in 7 Australians are currently experiencing an anxiety condition.
What makes matters worse is the way in which Aussies are coping with the pressure. Mozo’s 2019 Comfort Spending Report found that Aussies are spending $1,430 each year on average in attempts to dilute stress, boredom and anxiety. This works out to a massive total of $25.5 billion each year!
Price of the Great Australian Dream
Price of the Great Australian Dream – An infographic by the team at vouchercloud
inkl: Noise Free News
Front page news used to be important. However, in the rush to position themselves as viable online services, many news publishers diverted resources toward gossip journalism, in-your-face advertising and even clickbait articles. The concept of newsworthy journalism and commentary has become clouded. Serious readers are often left out in the cold or diverted to pulpy headline articles about funny cats, dogs and babies at the expense of major world events. The time is right to introduce inkl, the noise-free news service that delivers only important news and information provided by the world’s leading news publishers.
By the year 2000, major newspapers had started grappling with the inevitable transition toward online publishing. Resistance from within the industry was strong, especially among ageing chief editors and business owners, but the push by savvy young entrepreneurs continued unabated. The writing was on the wall, and the new technology was ultimately embraced as the way forward. The next step was to create a profitable business model without sacrificing quality.
Newsflash: Real News is Back
Old habits die hard, with the financial bottom line dictating terms. Tabloid style journalism won the day and front page news is now often a melting pot of frivolous escapism and stories with no quality or depth. But many of us still appreciate real news and the ability to access it without first wading through a pile of trash. What to do?
inkl has heard the call loud and clear, providing both free and premium services suited to every type of reader. In fact, even the inkl Premium Unlimited Service, which garners all the top news from around the world, costs far less than a traditional newspaper. Imagine: all the biggest news easily accessed on one site. That’s inkl, with features including: