Several different credit cards let cardholders pay off a portion or some of their outstanding balance through an instalment plan. These payment options break down your balance into monthly instalments spread over a fixed time or predetermined rate. For example, if you had a $1,000 balance and set up an instalment plan over ten months, you’d pay $100 per month instead of paying it all off at once. This is a basic calculation used as an example only, it does not include the addition of interest to the amount borrowed.
6 tips to save on your mortgage interest
Taking out a mortgage is the largest financial commitment that most Australians will make in their lifetime. If you invest in a property you could be making repayments for the next 30 years. This article will focus on a number of tips that can help you save interest on your mortgage and pay off the debt on your home at a faster rate.
1. Pay large sums into your loan
Rather than spending any large lump sums you receive, pay them straight into your loan. Think of larger windfalls as an excellent opportunity to reduce the overall interest on your loan and therefore the overall cost of your mortgage. Unexpected windfalls can include:
What to look for when deciding on a super fund
Apart from buying a house, superannuation is likely to be one of the biggest investments that you will make in your lifetime. Understanding your options and making the right decision can make the difference between scraping by or having that well-deserved, worry-free retirement.
In 2005, new legislation was introduced that put the power of super firmly in the consumer’s hands and gave many Australians like yourself the power to choose which fund your contributions would be made into.
What Personal Loans Are Easy to Get Approved For
If your earnings or income are high and you have a clean credit history, a personal loan will usually be approved. People on lower incomes need to tailor their approach to repayments that are make-able. You will need to provide evidence of current and ongoing expenses, revealing enough disposable income to furnish the loan and thrive . There are other stipulations, including Australian residency requirements, that will affect the application.
Also in the last few years, it has become difficult to get loan approval from banks that you have no account with. The loan approval rate for non-customers is notably lower than for customers with years of historical data.
What makes personal loans so popular is their versatility. The most obvious loans, and the ones most likely to be approved for, are for expenses that are often beyond the reach of the immediate purse-strings. A personal loan can help you create and maintain your dreams.
Popular Personal Loans Include:
The top traits to avoid in a mortgage broker
All Mortgage Brokers are not born equal. Like any service business, the quality of brokers’ offerings can vary from company to company and from broker to broker. This article will explore the qualities that you should avoid in a potential mortgage broker. Use this information to find a broker that will take the time to understand your situation and secure a mortgage product that’s right for you.
Uncertainty Around AUD & What It Means For Aussie Travellers
With the recent global uncertainty surrounding Brexit & the European Union, the Australian Dollar has continued to delve into some less than predictable waters. Coupled with Donald Trump’s continued trade war with China, there are a number of global external factors having a negative impact on our Aussie Dollar.
Meanwhile with household debt increasing and house prices appearing to start to take a slump. Over the past few months, the Australian Dollar has started to decline against some of the more popular international currencies. In this article, we review what impact this is having on Australians planning on heading overseas. After all, there is nothing worse than feeling short-changed when you go and convert your AUD for foreign currency and feel like you can’t afford to go on holiday at all.
Securing a Car Loan in Australia
Prospective car buyers are in for “excellent deals” this August, Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries chief executive Tony Weber said last week during the release of new vehicle sales data for July 2019.
A total of 83,184 new vehicles were sold. While year-to-date growth is still down 7.7%, this is better than June’s 8.4%.
From $1,000 in factory bonuses on Hyundai’s Tucson range, to a $6,000 discount off Fiat’s Abarth 124 Spider and the $44,990 drive-away price of Holden’s Colorado LSX, today’s buyers have so many options to choose from.
How to Use an Economic Calendar to Trade in Forex Markets?
Every day countries publish economic reports, meetings of Central Banks are held, as well as governors give speeches. These events usually occur at a scheduled time. To keep abreast of the upcoming events traders use an economic calendar where the time of their release and the degree of importance are displayed.
An important economic event can significantly change the market price of the asset in a matter of minutes. Traders respond to news reports in different ways. Some traders expect such news and recommend not to miss the opportunity to benefit, while others stop trading before the releases and wait for the market to calm down.
The Importance of Funeral Planning
Make a difference
As humans, we are always busy making one plan or another, especially when it has to do with everyday, weekly, monthly, or annual events that bring us success and happiness. A higher percentage of people never take the time to consider funeral planning, whether for themselves or their loved ones. Although it is not a pleasant topic for thought or discussion, a funeral is a significant part of everyday living and should be given due attention. This is especially true when it comes to the financial aspects of conducting funerals, which might put a whole lot of stress on your loved ones on top of their grief.
The importance of making funeral plans
There are several reasons why you should consider a funeral plan, these include but are not limited to the following;
How to Compare Mortgages
In order to avoid being ripped off, you need to take your time and compare mortgages from a few vendors. This needs to be done correctly, if you desire a good result. You should also understand that the type of mortgage you choose will go a long way to determine the rate you pay. Other factors that might impact on rates include your deposit, credit rating, and others. Listed below are some of the steps that would help you engage in successful and great comparison shopping. They are as follows: